Paul Graham, who was found drifting off the shoulder of Orion, sending out garbled transmissions like: “ It struck me recently how few of the most successful people I know are mean… Are meanness and success inversely correlated?” before dumping all of his oxygen into space and scrawling IT’S DEMO DAY over and over on the bulkheads in the blood of Y Combinator grads.
Rolling Stone, who just named the universally loathed U2 album Songs of Innocence, an album whose very existence was so resented that Apple had to make a special software tool to remove it from iTunes, its number one album of 2014. Pierre Omidyar who assembled the Racket Teen dream team and then fired them all in an act reminiscent of that time Yahoo! owned Flickr, Upcoming, and at the same time and let them all die like baby squirrels secretly rescued by an eight year old and then forgotten in a shoebox in the closet until they started to smell. Other people suffering from Space Madness (UNLIKE me, I’m perfectly fine tyvm): the guy who made God’s operating system TempleOS.